On January 15, 2024: A total of 1,457 words or 8,712 characters was delivered. The most active delivery time is from 8:30AM to 11:30AM. The total time interrupted is around 80 minutes. Email subscriptions delivered 63 emails, taking around 30 minutes in total or around 2 minutes to read each email. The most active delivery came from Spotify, with most ads coming from podcasts. The total time interrupted is around 7 minutes, delivering 187 words or 1,097 characters. The most common appeared words in total are "New", "Free", "Sale".
On January 16, 2024: A total of 1,473 words or 8,454 characters was delivered. The most active delivery time is from 9:00AM to 1:00PM. The total time interrupted is around 85 minutes. Email subscriptions delivered 69 emails, taking around 35 minutes in total or around 2 minutes to read each email. The most active delivery came from Spotify, with most ads coming from podcasts. The total time interrupted is around 7 minutes, delivering 128 words or 743 characters. The most common appeared words in total are "Get", New", "Free", "Now".
On January 17, 2024: A total of 1,405 words or 8,332 characters was delivered. The most active delivery time is from 8AM to 12PM. The total time interrupted is around 65 minutes. Email subscriptions delivered 73 emails, taking around 40 minutes in total or around 1.825 minutes to read each email. The most active delivery came from Instagram, with most ads from in between posts and stories. The total time interrupted is around 5 minutes, delivering 73 words or 434 characters. The most common appeared words in total are "New", "Year", "Get", "Free", "More".
On January 18, 2024: A total of 1,274 words or 7,463 characters was delivered. The most active delivery time is from 9AM to 12PM, and 1PM-6PM. The total time interrupted is around 80 minutes. Email subscriptions delivered 73 emails, taking around 40 minutes in total or around 1.825 minutes to read each email. The most active delivery came from Instagram, with most ads from in between posts and stories. The total time interrupted is around 3 minutes, delivering 54 words or 311 characters. The most common appeared words in total are "New", "Free", "Year", "Sale", "Now".
On January 19, 2024: A total of 1,032 words 6,424 characters was delivered. The most active delivery time is from 8AM to 9AM, and 11AM-2PM. The total time interrupted is around 80 minutes. Email subscriptions delivered 65 emails, taking around 30 minutes in total or around 2 minutes to read each email. The most active delivery came from Instagram, with most ads from in between posts and stories. The total time interrupted is around 5 minutes, delivering 75 words or 438 characters . The most common appeared words in total are "New", "More", "Get".
On January 20, 2024: A total of 772 words or 4,362 characters was delivered. The most active delivery time is from 9AM to 10AM. The total time interrupted is around 55 minutes. Email subscriptions delivered 45 emails, taking around 20 minutes in total or around 2 minutes to read each email. The most active delivery came from Instagram, with most ads from in between posts and stories. The total time interrupted is around 3 minutes, delivering 25 words or 148 characters. The most common appeared words in total are "New", "More", "Free".
On January 21, 2024: A total of 772 words or 4,362 characters was delivered. The most active delivery time is from 8AM to 9AM. The total time interrupted is around 60 minutes. Email subscriptions delivered 50 emails, taking around 25 minutes in total or around 2 minutes to read each email. The most active delivery came from Instagram, with most ads from in between posts and stories. The total time interrupted is around 3 minutes, delivering 56 words or 361 characters . The most common appeared words in total are "New", "Get", "Free".
The (Active) page offers an intrusive viewing experience. Each row presents data collected from the date, including the total time interrupted by top applications. The blue pop-ups represent randomized notifications that I received throughout the week.